Breathe E-book and Videos


This product consists of an E-Book, 10 videos and as a bonus 10 audio tracks on how to live a more stress-free life, and finally “breathe”. This product is jam packed with over 60 pages of information, physiology as well as psychology. Tips and strategies will help you live a more stress free life.

Today, in our modern world, we’re constantly bombarded with outside stimuli. There’s the radio, TV, smart phones, tablet computers, video games, the list goes on and on. Add the running commentary most of us carry around in our heads, 24/7, and it’s no wonder we never switch off. We feel stifled and find it hard to “breathe”.

The information in this E-book and the videos is going to set you on the road to leading a more relaxed, calmer, and less stressed life.



This is more information about the E-book & video  package called BreatheHow to stay calm, confident and collected in even the most stressful situations.

This package includes Instant Access to 10 Hot, Step by Step videos to help you stay calmer and conquer and control stress as well as panic attacks! These are short, most of them 5-10 minutes each, they will help you embed strategies you are learning in the book.

Video 1 – What is modern life so stressful? (3.38 min)

Video 2 – an introduction to meditation (11.47 min)

Video 3 – Introducing mindfulness to your life (9.56 min)

Video 4 – Becoming more present (5.45 min)

Video 5- Flow States (5.17 mins)

Video 6- Don’t panic! (6.35 mins)

Video 7 – A morning routine to help you face the day! (5.01 min)

Video 8 – An evening routine to help you wind down (5.10 min)

Video 9 – How to stop being a zombie (6.18min)

Video 10 – Kaizen – Small changes to get big results (4.35)

These videos will give you an wonderful advantage and help you see results starting as soon as you finish watching the videos! This special package also includes a free bonus of 10 audio tracks you can listen to anywhere.





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